Here in our remote corner of the world, we are made a little differently. This wild coastline has not always made life easy for natives who have worked hard to make a living or had to leave for foreign shores. There is an essence in us all that calls for opportunity and a life well-led. A spark in us to persevere through hardship, appreciate what we have and enjoy each step of the journey. We are putting in the hours and the obair to create a global business with its roots firmly in South Kerry soil. We have the muinín.


We take inspiration from stories of great journeys. Those individuals who push themselves through tenacity, determination and grit to achieve their life’s purpose, while enjoying each step along the way. The birds off the Skellig coast, who push through the elements crashing in off the Atlantic, they plummet but then they soar. Those that teach us important lessons about life, who are humble in their achievements but who strive for opportunity and greatness. We hope we can emulate them.


Our Distillery was born out of the Skellig community that took on seemingly impossible challenges built at the edge of two worlds in the “town that climbs the mountain and looks upon the sea”. For centuries communities have settled in this seemingly inhospitable landscape, battling the hostile beauty of the sea and land. This wild beauty is untamed and free, like the people. We are together here. Whether it has been a few months, a year or many more, our people return to us to feel the wind and ocean spray off the Atlantic on their face.

Each step, putting one foot in front of the other, gives you a better view than before, so we are constantly learning to keep moving and enjoy the journey as we climb. Our Distillery Visitor Experience on the Ring of Kerry is now open, where you can learn more about Irish Whiskey and our Distillery.
